Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Press for Ann Wilkes and sf tidbits

Lots of sf news this week. Some of it is even about Ann Wilkes. ;)

Broad Universe, that wonderful organization I keep hawking here, has just published its May Broad Pod, which features a story written by yours truly. I read five minutes of "Immunity Project", my offering in the newly released Defending the Future IV: No Man's Land (Dark Quest Books, May 2011).

Trisha Wooldridge from A Novel Friend Writing and Editing hosts this month's collection of short readings celebrating mothers from women writing across the realm of speculative fiction.

The Broad Pod is sponsored by Broad Universe, an international, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting, honoring, and celebrating women writers of science fiction, fantasy, and horror. Find out more about our organization, including new fiction released by women, more podcasts, and information about writing and publishing for women, visit our website at

May is for mothers, and our podcast today celebrates all kinds of motherhood. Vonnie Winslow Crist shares surprising and magical consequences when a young woman mothers a baby bird back to health; Ann Wilkes' military science fiction has strange visitors chatting with a mother in her home; Roberta Gregory's people are celebrating the mother goddess; a young wizard has to rescue his mother from a terrible date in Katherine Mankiller's tale; and Suzanne Reynolds Alpert introduces us to the 16-year-old embodiment of the mother goddess Quan Yin.

Listen now.

Along that same vein, there's a DTF IV: No Man's Land book giveaway of that anthology over at Goodreads. Now would be a good time to friend me there, too. But not if you don't have any books listed. No pretenders. ;)

I am also interviewed at

That's enough about me. Now to give a little love to my friends.

First up, is my good friend and excellent writer, Juliette Wade. She has this awesome, ambitious endeavor going on at Talk To You Universe. She offers a chance for anyone to share their culture. She's compiling a sort of cultural database. A close-up and personal look at those hard to research aspects of Folklore, Religion, and Cultural Practices. It's called The Writer's International Culture Share and promises to be an excellent source for writers around the globe.

Alma Alexander, another talented writer and Broad Universe member, announces the Fall release of River, an anthology she has edited which features "a stellar selection of authors who between them have been nominated for, finalists for, or have won, practically every known industry award (including the Campbell, the Tiptree, the WFA, the Mythopoeic, and yes, even the Hugos...)."

Last, but not least, Episode 2 of the Minister of Chance is now available from the Minister of Chance site and iTunes. I listened already and enjoyed the continuing adventures of Kitty and the Minister. And there be monsters and dark and a mysterious horseman.

1 comment:

Juliette Wade said...

Thanks very much for the link, Ann! I appreciate it. This week's entry is on Norwegian Travelers, and next week's should be about Brazil. It's turning into a very exciting collection thanks to my lovely contributors!