Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A writers work is never done...

So, for example, after the 8-5 staff writer job today, I worked on a website for a friend, composed interview questions for Kevin J. Anderson, corresponded with writing buddies, did some editing on a short story and now here I am blogging. Next is reading a book for review. I wonder how long my eyeballs will stay open. Then again, the new german shepherd is in need of a walk and so is my back. >sigh<

On Friday, I'm off to Washington state for SpoCon. It will be so lovely not having to work half a day before I catch the plane and not having to rush. I'm only expected for the opening ceremonies Friday. My schedule, if you're attending is here.

Saturday is the deadline for the flash fiction contest. I can count the entries on one hand right now, so your odds are terrific. Send in those stories, especially if you know how to do flash. It is rather an art form. One I'm very fond of pursuing. :) The details for the contest can be found here. Winner gets a signed copy of Awesome Lavratt and publication right here. If you'd like to sell it afterward, you retain all rights and I'd be happy to pull it down after 30 days if you so desire (someone asked).

I passed the 200 mark on LinkedIn connections. Do I get a badge or something? I'm still getting responses to the link I posted to my social networking entry at the Redwood Writers blog almost a month ago.

Maybe I should stop givin' stuff away? Naw! It's too much fun.

Thursday I have to prepare for SpoCon and Monday I have to cram for my presentation, Cyberspace 101 for Authors, on Tuesday. Which makes me think I should probably blog about that on the RW blog soon to pump folks up and get more warm bodies. Well, there's always time on the plane up and back as well. Good thing I work well under pressure.

vote it up!

1 comment:

Felicity said...

Have fun at SpoCon!