Friday, January 8, 2010

Friday funk and other junk

It was a grey January day in "sunny" California. I had a horrible day to end a lousy week. But why dwell? Let's wallow, shall we?

I just read over at Locus that Internet Review of Science Fiction is folding after its February issue. So sad. Here's the story.

On the trying to make it as a SF author front, here are some recent posts about why editors and agents say "no":

My novel, Awesome Lavratt, is supposed to now be available through Baker and Taylor, Ingrams, etc. Please let me know of sightings in bookstores. Meantime, buy one straight from me and I'll even sign it and ship it for free. See my website for details. I'm sure a book sale or two would cheer me up. We writers are really a sad, validation-seeking bunch, aren't we?

I just watched the remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still again. It certainly wasn't better the second time. I do like the whole step-mom thing, though, being one myself. And of course, Keanu Reeves saying, "Your planet?" And Kathy Bates. Gotta love her! Even when she's the bad guy.

I had a dream several days ago that we had a cage that had these outside branches like bird perches. Inside the cage were are pet miniature dinosaurs. On the branches were other dinosaurs that looked like tree frogs with brontosaurus necks. One got out, bit my husband and I was trying to track it down. Talk about saved by the bell! I was never so glad to wake up! I'll stick with my 2 dogs and a cat any day. I wonder if there's a story in there somewhere?

And I solved a nagging mystery. That thing that Dr. Who says is allons y. It's "let's go" in French. What would we do without the internet?

This weekend will find Horace Whistlestop (of Awesome Lavratt fame) enslaved by a 7' lizard and fighting off aliens in search of Aranna. I must get a healthy chunk completed for my crit group, the Speculative Fictionators.

vote it up!


Mozette said...

I love this site! It's awesome! And the photo at the top is brilliant. And so, I thought you deserve an award for your efforts in your blog.

It's at 'My Reading List' waiting for you (and other people have had the award given to them too).


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I keep hearing sci-fi is dead, but since my first book comes out in the fall, I'm really hoping that isn't true! Besides, I know lots of people who still read sci-fi.